Sunday, August 3, 2008


This was a great weekend. God is so so good. I went to church, LWFC, on Saturday night and my Pastor Steve was on week 3 of a series titled FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). The series is about answering people's questions that they may have about God/Bible/Church/Life etc. Pastor Steve did a great job of answering questions about parenting, Santa Claus, blended families, and faith.

Pastor Steve also addressed a question that was given to him which asked, "Why doesn't Living Word talk about racial issues? Well, I have to tell you, I love how he responded. Basically he led us to, Galatians, 3:26-29, which says that, In Christ, there is no economic class, male or female, no races (no Jews or Greek). His message was that the Holy Spirit doesn't recognize a difference. We are one body. Surely, he said more that this, but these were the main points that I received from the message. I know that what he said is true, I believe the Word, and I know what my experience has been at our church, and I don't feel there are racial issues there. I believe that when we follow the Word, and love one another, and when we are on one accord as a church, and as the Body of Christ, that the perspectives are different. When we are focused on building relationships in our church and in our community, we are better able to see that we have so many similarities. But, ultimately, if we pray in the Spirit and continue to ask for guidance, and confess and repent of our sins, we don't have to be side- tracked by illusions. Because surely, it is an illusion to think hierarchies of races, class, etc, because the Word says we are all the same in Christ. Isn't that wonderful to know. Anyway, I just felt that Pastor Steve addressed the questions wonderfully. I can't help but be planted in my church. The leadership is great, and the Holy Spirit is present.

Ok, I know the title of this post is "Believing". I suppose I thought of that word because of what I am about to share. After the questions were answered at service, Pastor Steve asked if there was anyone who wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and I found out later, that someone I care a great deal about gave her life to the Lord. This is something that I have been praying for. God is so good. I just feel so good for her, because I know that her life is going to change for the better so much. I look forward to see what God has in store for her, since He has a plan for her life, and I want to be a blessing to her, in any way the Lord would have me to be.

Inspirational Quote:
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First time for everything

Well, this is my first time creating a blog. It took me a while to get going. I don't know how this will turn out, but I have a feeling I will like the idea of expressing myself in print. I'm pretty internet savvy, however, I am still amazed by all of this new computer technology. Those of us living in this day and age, are really privileged to have this incredible experience of modern technology.

Today was such a blessed day. I had a great time working out, talking, playing with my dog, Poochie, and listening to my son tell jokes. I have about 3 more weeks of vacation until I return back to teach in the classroom. I plan to enjoy those 3 weeks. I will start by heading to the beach with 2 of my dear friends. We are so excited to get some down time in @ the beach. My goal is to relax with some good books, including, the original Good Book :} and laugh a lot with my friends.

Well, for those of you that post a comment to my blog, I will certainly appreciate it.
I hope you all remember to take some quality time out to smell the roses and enjoy yourself this summer.

Inspirational Quote: Don't forget to dream big, all things are possible.